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Welcome to our website and what I am confident will be another great school year for all of our students, staff, and families.  This website is a resource that I hope you find informative and helpful. 

I am excited and honored to have the opportunity to serve as Minneota’s Superintendent.  We have so much to be proud of - starting with our students and staff - and it has not taken me long to realize that Minneota is a special place.  I look forward to continuing to meet our students, families, and community members and supporting everyone's efforts to the best of my ability.  

Being in public education for 34 years, I was drawn to the programs, services, opportunities, and initiatives that Minneota Public Schools provided...the district has an earned reputation of excellence and is known for both academic achievement and success in activities programs.  I continue to focus my (and our collective) efforts to build on our past and tradition yet also examine areas where we might become even better. 

Our Mission is “A community in continuous pursuit of excellence.”  Although excellence might be defined in multiple ways by different people, we can often recognize it when we see, hear about, or experience it.  It is this pursuit of excellence that I look forward to collaborating with our stakeholders to achieve. 

I find our Vision of “Minneota Public Schools is a partnership of staff, family, and community promoting lifelong learning in an everchanging world.” inspiring.  While the whole statement is important, I am particularly drawn to partnership, lifelong learning, and everchanging, as those are three powerful phrases.  I am excited to collaborate with our students, families, staff, and the community to help accomplish our vision. 

I am proud to GET to serve our excellent school district, and I look forward to another year working with everyone to provide the highest quality education for our students and excellent opportunities for everyone associated with Minneota Public Schools.  I invite - and welcome - questions, comments, ideas, or concerns that you might have.

In education,

Scott Monson, Superintendent

Phone:  507-872-6532, Ext. 1134